Platz 7:

Böwig Wolf:

He knows how to drink water only with our mouth emdash like the dogs. He learned to do it after the RUF cut both his hands and he had to survive alone in the forest, for seven days, until his wife found him leaning on a tree. The soldiers came from Kono and found me working in the farm. My children managed to escape but I was left behind and they got me along with six friends of mine. The six of them were killed on the spot. He was pushed to a fence, where the rebels held his arms over the wooden bars. When Cisse saw the machette going up, he cried:
Oh, God!!!
They teased him:
Do you have a god?
The machette came down twice. He now lives in the outskirts of the mountain town Bumbuna, in a ghetto for amputees that is far from everything they should have: food, water, medical assistance and security.
I am a child.
God made me a man.
God brought me back to childhood.

His prothaesis are useless to him. He needs help even to draw away his tears.

Bombuna; Sierra Leone | july 2003  

Literarische Quelle:
Henri Alleg
preface by Jean Paul Sartre for „ the Question“

„Happy are those who died without ever having had to ask themselves: „If they tear out my fingernails, will I talk?“. But even happier are others, barely out of their childhood, who have not had to ask themselves that other question: „If my friends, fellow soldiers, and leaders tear out an enemy’s fingernails in my presence, what will I do?“